Tag Archives: Meditation

Is Meditation Worth it for Your Healing Journey?
10 Jun 2021

Is Meditation Worth it for Your Healing Journey?

Meditation can give you a moment of mindfulness, helping you reset your body when you are too stressed out. There are many exercises out there to choose from; you just have to find out what works for you. So, how do you know if meditation is worth it for your healing journey? Benefits of Meditation

There’s Only ONE Thing You Need to Fix To Heal…
26 May 2021

There’s Only ONE Thing You Need to Fix To Heal…

Do you feel tired or lethargic? Do you feel restricted or stuck? Do you find yourself with many negative or self-destructive thoughts? These are energetic blocks. Energetic blocks can cause you to self-sabotage. When you self-sabotage, you become unable to heal. The problem is, how do you identify y