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Reaching The Alpha State Of Mind
22 Sep 2020

Reaching The Alpha State Of Mind

Human beings experience two mental states when awake—alpha and beta; and for the most part, we spend it on beta mode.  The beta state (13 Hz) is when we are most active, it’s our minds moving fast, and this is when we usually find ourselves extremely productive.  However, it

Vibration and Its Healing Abilities
26 Sep 2020

Vibration and Its Healing Abilities

A Harvard Professor coined this term…  It is a term that will heal you from high blood pressure to migraines to muscles cramps just to name a few.  The founder of Mind/Body Medical Institute at Boston’s Deaconess Hospital, Harvard Professor Herbert Benson, coined the term rel

Your Chakras & Their Frequencies
29 Sep 2020

Your Chakras & Their Frequencies

You have probably heard about the chakras in the body. These are the main energy centers, therefore, when they are open, energy can run through them freely, which will result in harmony between the physical body, mind, and spirit.  In Sanskrit, chakra translates to “wheel.” Think