Category: Uncategorized

Secret of High Vibration: Find your Rhythm
26 Dec 2020

Secret of High Vibration: Find your Rhythm

Have you ever thought about your rhythm? It’s not what keeps you going, it’s more like your pattern or flow daily. Have you had one of those days where you feel you are unproductive? Don’t get me started on Monday blues.  Then, you’re missing one important ingredient

Wear Your Crown Chakra Today
23 Nov 2020

Wear Your Crown Chakra Today

There is no person I would use as an icon of the Crown Chakra. It is a deeply sacred and personal experience for every one of us.   But the growth of the lotus flower is likened to the seven chakras.  The Sanskrit name Sahasrara means “thousand-petalled”. It refers to the

Your Chakras & Their Frequencies
29 Sep 2020

Your Chakras & Their Frequencies

You have probably heard about the chakras in the body. These are the main energy centers, therefore, when they are open, energy can run through them freely, which will result in harmony between the physical body, mind, and spirit.  In Sanskrit, chakra translates to “wheel.” Think