Tag Archives: Sacred Sound Healing

The Healing Wonders of a Sound Bath
31 May 2021

The Healing Wonders of a Sound Bath

Imagine yourself lying in your favorite spot, surrounded by blankets and pillows. The most relaxing sounds are playing softly around you; The rhythmic beats of a drumming circle or the soothing tones from an instrument that produces a mix of ancient and modern musical elements – like what migh

Healing Conversations with the Universe
28 May 2021

Healing Conversations with the Universe

What if you had the opportunity to have healing conversations with your very own Universe? “Wouldn’t that be great?” is what I thought when my sister-in-law, who was a licensed therapist and healer, first introduced me to this idea. But then she explained how we’re all natur

There’s Only ONE Thing You Need to Fix To Heal…
26 May 2021

There’s Only ONE Thing You Need to Fix To Heal…

Do you feel tired or lethargic? Do you feel restricted or stuck? Do you find yourself with many negative or self-destructive thoughts? These are energetic blocks. Energetic blocks can cause you to self-sabotage. When you self-sabotage, you become unable to heal. The problem is, how do you identify y