Lead With Love & Open Your Heart Chakra

Do you feel so much anger recently?

Perhaps, you feel hurt, frustrated, impatient, etc., lately.

Yet, you can’t seem to open up. 

You have experienced heartbreak at some point in life, may it be in a relationship, a job, friendship, family, and many other things. 

The type of heartbreak may be consuming; it might have given you weeks, months, or even years to recover, and going through that is no joke. 

There were good and bad days, but more days lacked passion, filled with longing that consumes you and eats you up inside. 

At this point, your heart chakra is blocked. 

However, as the pain heals, the heart will regain its strength and open once again. You will go through a cycle of heartbreak and healing that will open your heart completely. When the heart chakra is open, it can allow you to give and receive love again. 

The Way of the Heart

When it comes to the heart chakra, it’s about living a life with the energy center of love. 

It is associated with your capacity to love. 

It’s about experiencing unconditional love and connection with all. 

It’s about using heart-centered discernment. 

It’s the appreciation of beauty in all things. 

It’s about experiencing deep and meaningful relationships. 

The way of the heart is mainly about connecting and relating. It puts emphasis on love, giving and receiving, and how open you are in your relationships. 

It’s a powerful energy that helps transfigure emotions and experiences. 

Keep in mind that it’s not only about romance, but it’s also about going beyond the ego’s limitations to open up fully to acceptance and compassion of all that is. 

When you live and follow the way of the heart, your energy is opened and balanced. 

My Heart Chakra is Out of Whack!

An imbalanced heart chakra is a result of life experiences that have a powerful emotional charge, physical elements, or significant changes in the environment. 

It may manifest as a blockage in the energies, and it will show and be felt. 

Some common signs of a heart chakra imbalance are: 

  • Being too defensive
  • Jealousy
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Co-dependency
  • Excessive isolation
  • Holding grudges

Take in Love, Open the Heart Chakra

So, you have a blocked heart chakra? Congratulations, you have taken the time and effort to realize that. 

Now, you’re ready to open your heart and let love in. 

Then, it’s time to open the heart chakra and allow the love (and good) vibes to come in: 

Use Positive Affirmations 

Positive affirmations, specifically about love, is incredibly helpful in opening your heart chakra. These affirmations set intentions toward healing by breaking old patterns and directing behaviors in a new direction. 

Here are some of the positive affirmations you can use to help open your heart chakra: 

  • I love myself and all human beings
  • I have an open heart
  • I am open to love

You can also create your own affirmations; anything that resonates the most with you will work. And all you need to do is repeat it as many times as you can every day. 

Do Specific Yoga Poses

If you love yoga, then you can do certain poses that can help activate the heart chakra. Even if you don’t do yoga, you can do these poses easily; plus, they’re great at getting your body moving. 

Some yoga poses you can do are: 

  • Upward facing dog
  • Bridge 
  • Camel

Work with Stones

Each chakra carries with it its own frequency. The heart chakra, which vibrates in green and pink colors, is associated with rose quartz, jade, green tourmaline, or green aventurine to unblock the heart chakra and attract more love energy to come into your life. 

Working to balance your heart chakra and keeping them in alignment will set you up to be the best version of who you can be. 

Remain in touch with your heart, despite the heartbreak, disappointments, frustrations, and anger. 

Do all things with love, and you will be much better for it

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